It’s Time To Get Rid Of Those Stinky Old Cabinets And Do A Kitchen Remodeling Project!

It’s Time To Get Rid Of Those Stinky Old Cabinets And Do A Kitchen Remodeling Project!

Have you ever had the pleasure of moving into a new, but used, home only to find you don’t even dare set your food or dishes inside the cabinets in the kitchen?

Wow, that can really be disappointing, especially after you spent all that effort moving and you’re tired – you just want to get the stuff put up so you can get organized again and return to some sort of routine. But no, your struggles with moving aren’t over yet because not only are your cabinets old and weren’t cleaned by the people who were supposed to do it, but now that you’re here you realize that they smell pretty bad too!

This happens way more than anyone would believe. Old cabinets can start to smell musty after getting wet just once. They can also draw moisture in from a home that’s sat for a while without circulating air from and air unit not running. This is most common in homes that have been on the market for some time or have sat unrented for a while.

Why Your Kitchen Cabinets May Need To Be Replaced

Humidity in the home plays a huge role in destroying the building materials that aren’t sealed well from exposure to elements like moisture. Old cabinets especially have this problem because they aren’t sealed like the outside of the cabinets are. Especially on the bottom boards that have to face possible plumbing or dishwasher leaks. Only a professional remodeling contractor help help you to isolate the problems and recommend the best cabinet replacement options to help you stop these problems once and for all.

Bathroom cabinets can also get pretty darn smelly from leaks in plumbing or moisture in the bathroom. These inside wooden surfaces are vulnerable, yet many people don’t understand how important it is to keep them sealed on the INSIDE as well as outside surfaces.

That means the material breaks down more quickly, rots, and begins to stink. Mold, mildew, and algae could be contaminating the surfaces as well, which only adds to your health concerns.

There are times when you can repair your cabinetry and bring it back from certain death, but if they’ve reached a certain stage, you don’t want to deal with those moldy old, musty cabinets any longer.

Not only can they make you sick, but they’ll sure be noticed by your guests as well. And every time you open a drawer or pull a cabinet door open, you’ll be smacked in the face with the musty, gross smell.

Who knows what matter of waste water may have leaked out in the base of the cabinets! If you weren’t present, you don’t know if they even bothered to clean up the mess when the drain got clogged up and the piping was disconnected to clean it out.

It could be that only the freshwater line leaked, but still you’re going to find that mold or other issues can form if the water mess isn’t’ cleaned up or has been happening for sometime unnoticed. That’s the problem about slow leaks. They can be really hard to detect. So it’s possible the last homeowner didn’t even know they had a problem.

But regardless, it’s time to get those musty old cabinets out of your kitchen and bath areas of your home. You want a clean and healthy living space, and those old cabinets just won’t do! You can trust our experts with your kitchen remodeling and bathroom renovation needs.

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